The Greatest Masterpiece Art Print


The Greatest Masterpiece Art Print


The art on this poster was made by Snufflebear and featured in his animated short, Snufflebear’s Guide to Life.

You are an artist who is right in this very moment creating one of the greatest masterpieces this world has ever seen. This masterpiece isn’t a painting, a sculpture, or a song… it’s you. It’s the choices you make, the way you impact others, and all the beauty that you experience and help to create in your life and the lives of those around you.

A project as important as who you are being is worth doing on purpose. And I know you can do it, because you’ve got what it takes. :)

This poster is 8x8

“Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you never know who would love the person you hide.” -C.S. Lewis

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